Revised Petition
In The High Court of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad (Appellate Side)
Memorandum of Civil Revision Petition
[under Section 22(1)][See Rule 40 of A.P.G.S.T. Rules, 1957]

Civil Revision Petition No.



Revision petition presented to the High Court to revise the order of the Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal.

Date                 and passed in


1. District in which the assessment was made.


2. Assessment year.


3.The designation of the officer whose orders were appealed against before the Appellate Tribunal.


4.Date of communication of the order of the Appellate Tribunal.


5.Findings of the Appellate Tribunal (state in serial and appropriate order the relevant
findings arrived at by the Tribunal).


6.Questions of law raised for decision by the High Court.
(Here formulate the questions of
 law raised concisely, etc.)


(Signed) petitioner (s)
                                                       (Signed authorized representative, if any.)


I/We___________________________________________________________the petitioner (s) do hereby declare that what is stayed above is true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

Verified today the________________________day of _____________________20


                                                                                                                                                    (Signed) petitioner(s)
                                                                                                                                                    (Signed) authorised representative, if any.


1.  The petition should be accompanied by a certified copy of the order of the Appellate Tribunal.

2.  The petition should (if preferred by a dealer) be accompanied by a fee of Rs.500.

3.  The petition should be written in English and should set forth concisely and under district heads the facts of the case, the findings arrived at by the Tribunal, and the questions of law, raised consecutively. There should be no argument or narrative.