<% '/********************************************************************************** '********************************************************************************** '* Name Of the File: form_la1.htm * '* Purpose : This page displays Form LA1 * '* * '* * '|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| '| Author | Created On | Version | Remarks | '|----------------------|------------------|------------|------------------------| '| G.Madan Kumar | 01-Aug-2001 | 1.0 | | '| | | | | '|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| '********************************************************************************** '**********************************************************************************/ %> FORM LA1                 Return of Annual Turnover

FORM LA1                
Return of Annual Turnover
(See Rule 3(2B)(a))



The Deputy/Commercial Tax Officer

I _____________________________________________________________ Son/Daughter /Wife of

_____________________________________________________________(Tobacconist name/Firm name) furnish herewith the statement of the total and net turnover of receipts of Tobacco Products supplied during the year commencing from______________________________________and ending on _____________________________________ give the following connected particulars.

                                                                                    A.P.Tax on Luxuries Act


1. Registration Certificate Number : 

2. Address of the principal place of :

3. Particulars of payment :

    a) Total tax payable 

    b) Deduct

         (i) Adjustment of refund of tax C.Notice:

        (ii) Amount of rebate of tax as per :

   c) Net tax payable (a-b) :

   d) Total Tax paid :

        i) Cheque/DD particulars

           Number : Date : 

           Bank : Branch : 

        ii) Cash (Receipt No. If paid)

            Receipt No : Date :

        iii) Challan particulars

            Number : Date :

            Name of Treasury :

    e) Balance payable if any 



Commodity Description


Total Turnover of Receipts

Exempted turnover of Receipts

Net turnover of receipts

Rate of tax





























































































Note: In case any commodity is taxable at different rates, by virtue of specific orders, please mention the commodity separately for each rate of tax.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Signature of the Tobacconist.




I/We _________________________________________________________Son/Daughter/Wife  of _______________________________________________________________    declare to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, that the information furnished in the above statement is true and complete.


Place :


Date   :                                                                                               Signature ____________________________________

                                                                                                             Status and Relationship to the Tobacconist.  _______________________